Procurement Integrity Act Lawyers Helping You Avoid Costly Fines and Criminal Jail Time When It Comes to Ethics Violations in Government Contracting. We Bring Over 20 Years of Federal Procurement Experience – Our 41 usc 423 Government Procurement Attorneys Help Clients Nationwide and Overseas.


41 usc 423 Procurement Integrity Act LawyersAre you a federal government construction contractor, government employee, or subcontractor who is under the Procurement Integrity Act investigation or facing criminal charges for procurement fraud under the Procurement Integrity Act, 41 USC 423 and FAR 3.104?

If you are under a Procurement Integrity Act or False Claims Act Investigation, have been served with a Civil Investigative Demand or Subpoena, Watson & Associates, LLC PIA Lawyers and federal Procurement Lawyers can help.

41 U.S.C. 423 Restrictions on disclosing and obtaining contractor bid or proposal information or source selection information

(a) Prohibition on disclosing procurement information

(1) A person described in paragraph (2) shall not, other than as provided by law, knowingly disclose contractor bid or proposal information or source selection information before the award of a Federal agency procurement contract to which the information relates

(2) Paragraph (1) applies to any person who-

(A) is a present or former official of the United States, or a person who is acting or has acted for or on behalf of, or who is advising or has advised the United States with respect to, a Federal agency procurement; and

(B) by virtue of that office, employment, or relationship has or had access to contractor bid or proposal information or source selection information.

Were you raided with a search warrant – was it valid? Find out more. 

Types of 41 U.S.C. 423 PIA Violation Cases Our Procurement Lawyers Handle


What You Need to Know

  1. The first approach to any case is to asses whether (a) your fit the criteria or intent of the statute and (2) whether you “knowingly disclosed contractor bid or proposal information”. Intent or “knowingly” where the government may have a difficult time proving its case. This is where our high-level procurement integrity attorneys come in.
  2.  If you are an “outsider”, you cannot, other than as provided by law, knowingly obtain contractor bid or proposal information or source selection information before the award of a Federal agency procurement contract to which the information relates.

  3. If federal investigators approach or try to speak with you, you have to cooperate. However, you do not want to speak to them without a PIA attorney
  4. You have a constitutional right NOT to incriminate yourself. Once you waive it ( by agreeing to speak or disclose evidence without legal advice from a procurement attorney, you cannot claim it was a mistake if the disclosure is used against you in a criminal trial.

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What should you do if federal agents approach you?

You have an obligation to cooperate with the government regarding a Procurement Integrity Act investigation. What you do NOT have to do is participate in questioning or providing evidence that might incriminate you. You should not speak.

Did You Receive a Subpoena or Civil Investigative Demand (CID)?

Once again, the government has the authority to request that you produce testimony and or documents. This can be accomplished by issuing a civil investigative demand or subpoena. Again, you should seriously consider hiring a PIA defense procurement lawyer.

What is the Procurement Integrity Act?

The Procurement Integrity Act addresses the forbidden release of source selection information and or information about contractors’ proposals and bidding information.  See 41 USC 423 Also see FAR 3.104-8. The PIA Act 423 also addresses the conduction of former government employees who served on a procurement action or contract over $10 million in specific government positions.

What is considered procurement information?
The Procurement Integrity Act prohibits federal employees from disclosing source selection information and contractor’s proposal or bid information. It also prohibits federal employees from participating in a procurement action in which they have received confidential government information related to the award or performance of a contract over $10 million.  Procurement information could include closely-held information, pricing information, source selection strategies, internal information about agencies’ performance problems, and anything that can impact the decision-making for award.

The employee cannot serve as an employee or consultant to the contractor in question. PIA statutes monitor the federal procurement process and how government and contractor personnel conduct business.

The Procurement Integrity Act of 1988 is a federal law that aims to promote integrity, transparency, ethics in government contracting, and fairness in government procurement processes. The law applies to federal executive agencies and their employees and contractors and subcontractors who participate in federal procurement.

What are the Penalties for Violating the Procurement Integrity Act?

Penalties and administrative actions

Criminal penalties: Whoever engages in conduct constituting a violation of subsection (a) or (b) of this section for the purpose of either-

(A) exchanging the information covered by such subsection for anything of value, or

(B) obtaining or giving anyone a competitive advantage in the award of a Federal agency procurement contract,

shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years or fined as provided under title 18, or both.

Civil penalties: The Attorney General may bring a civil action in an appropriate United States district court against any person who engages in conduct constituting a violation of subsection (a), (b), (c), or (d) of this section. Upon proof of such conduct by a preponderance of the evidence, the person is subject to a civil penalty. An individual who engages in such conduct is subject to a civil penalty of not more than $50,000 for each violation plus twice the amount of compensation which the individual received or offered for the prohibited conduct. An organization that engages in such conduct is subject to a civil penalty of not more than $500,000 for each violation plus twice the amount of compensation which the organization received or offered for the prohibited conduct.

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We Handle Procurement Law Matters on a Daily Basis; We Understand the Rules

FCA Investigation Lawyers

Our team of FAR 3.104 Procurement Integrity Act lawyers specializes in aggressively defending the rights of individuals and companies in these types of cases.

We understand the complexities of government investigations and can help you navigate the legal system to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

We are dedicated to protecting your reputation, your livelihood, and your freedom. With our experience and expertise in the field of procurement fraud, you can trust that we will fight for your rights and defend your interests every step of the way.

Don’t wait any longer to get the legal representation you need. Our legal team has experienced federal procurement integrity violation attorneys who can help with civil investigative demands and False Claims Act cases.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start building your defense. 1.866.601.5518.


The Procurement Integrity Act, which is codified in 41 USC 423, establishes certain standards of conduct and requirements for government procurement officials, contractors, and subcontractors.  Regarding ethics violations in government contracting, the law prohibits certain activities that could compromise the integrity of the procurement process, including:

1. Disclosure of non-public information: Government procurement officials and employees are prohibited from disclosing non-public information about procurements to unauthorized individuals or companies.

2. Receipt of certain information: Government procurement officials and employees are prohibited from receiving certain information from contractors or subcontractors, such as advanced knowledge of their competitors’ bids.

3. Employment: Government procurement officials and employees are prohibited from accepting employment with a contractor or subcontractor who is involved in the same procurement for which the official or employee had significant responsibility.

4. Restrictions on post-government employment: Government procurement officials and employees are subject to certain restrictions on post-government employment with contractors or subcontractors who are involved in the same procurement for which the official or employee had significant responsibility.

5. Restrictions on contractor and subcontractor activities: Contractors and subcontractors who participate in federal procurement are subject to certain restrictions on their activities, such as attempting to obtain non-public information or offering employment to government officials or employees who are involved in the same procurement.

What are Procurement Integrity Act Violations Examples 41 USC 423?
Covered procurement action includes the following examples of violations of the Procurement Integrity Act can include activities such as offering gifts, giving preferential treatment to a bidder or contractor, providing inside information to bidders or contractors, and colluding with other government employees or contractors.
Other activities that could constitute a violation include attempting to influence procurement decisions for personal gain and making unauthorized disclosures of non-public information related to procurements. In addition, offering employment to government officials or employees who are involved in the same procurement could be a violation of the Act. 
Furthermore, submitting false information on bids or contracts is also a violation of the PIA. It is important to note that some violations may not be intentional and can still result in penalties for those responsible. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all information submitted is accurate and up-to-date. 

The PIA also establishes certain Procurement Integrity Act violations, including fines, imprisonment, and exclusion from future government contracts. The law is intended to promote a fair and transparent procurement process and to ensure that the government obtains the best value for taxpayer dollars.

When government employees or contractors have violated the Procurement Integrity Act is very fact-specific. Being involved in a government investigation can be very daunting and stressful. Contractors and personnel found to have violated Procurement Integrity law can find themselves losing the contract, subject to hefty civil fines on facing jail time.

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Experienced Procurement Integrity Act Lawyers

The government contract defense and procurement fraud attorneys at Watson & Associates help individuals and contractors to defend against allegations of Federal Procurement Integrity law violations and Anti-kickback Act violations under 41 U.S.C. 423.  See also FAR 3.104-8 Criminal and civil penalties, and further administrative remedies.

Whether you are subject to a federal investigation, facing possible criminal indictment before a Grand Jury, bidding on federal projects using strategic sourcing or needing help with procurement management policies and controls, our False claims and contractor criminal defense lawyers understand the landmines awaiting clients in the process.

Does Receiving a Government Estimate Fit Within PIA Definition of “Source Selection Information?

In the case of CLC Construction Company, ASBCA No. 59110, the court found that this estimate does not fit within the definition of “source selection information” set forth in PIA. The court reasoned that because the plain language of the statutory text of § 2107(a) of the PIA, which includes express definitions of “source selection information” does not include the government estimate, then this information does not apply in procurement law. See als0 United States v. Bowling, 108 F. Supp. 3d 343, 348 (E.D.N.C. 2015). 

41 USC 423 Defense and Help For Federal Employees in the Procurement Process

Under the Procurement Integrity Act, Federal employees who are involved in federal contracting procurements, strategic sourcing, and the administration of procurements over $100,000 must report contacts with bidders or offerors regarding future employment to their supervisors. Under the Procurement Integrity Act 41 USC 423, they must also disqualify themselves from further participation if they do not immediately reject the contact.

Government contractors must avoid gaining sensitive information from procurement officials since it can create a more advantageous opportunity for your company. The Washington, DC government contracts attorneys at Watson & Associates can help with PIA Violations and Conflicts of Interest by the government.

Why Choose Watson & Associates, LLC for Government Contractor Federal Criminal Defense Cases? 

FEDERAL CRIMINAL CONTRACTOR DEFENSE ATTORNEYTheodore P. Watson, Esquire. Practice Group Lead.  At Watson & Associates, with law offices in Colorado and Washington, DC, our top rated federal criminal defense attorneys have experience actually working for federal government contracting agencies.

As procurement lawyers, we understand the nuts and bolts of how the investigation comes about and how the DOJ or even the SBA OIG develops a civil or criminal case against you.

A crucial aspect of our practice lies in the fact that many of our federal Procurement Integrity Act defense lawyers possess extensive experience as government contracting officials. We also understand how trial procurement lawyers in federal agencies like the DOJ and the U.S. Attorney’s Office operate. Drawing on those valuable insights, our job as a procurement integrity law firm is to deconstruct the government’s case and develop a legal defense that can create leverage in the event of litigation.

Wojciech Kornacki Government Contracts Attorney & Suspension Debarment LawyerWojciech Kornacki, Of Counsel, focuses his practice on federal contract compliance, contract dispute and litigation, and business ethics. He has successfully represented dozens of private companies and individuals as a suspension and debarment lawyer facing debarment and suspension, challenged and defended contract awards at the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, filed appeals and litigated claims at the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA) and the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (CBCA), drafted compliance policies and assisted in due diligence matters and training. Read more.



government contractor defense and procurement fraud lawyersWise D. Allen, Esquire , Counsel is Veteran Lieutenant Commander Judge Advocate for the United States Military. He also has extensive knowledge and experience in resolving corporate defense and litigation in vast international and national legal issues.

He brings a wealth of successful experience to government contractors seeking defense counsel in the various areas of procurement fraud, Anti Corruption law, illegal kickbacks, international contracting, False Claims Act defense, BAA and TAA compliance and more.

Mr. Allen’s federal litigation experience as a former appellate attorney representing the United States and federal attorney for defendants in trials that led to his clients receiving overwhelming favorable outcomes in contested issues and obtaining non-contested resolutions. Read  more..

FAR 3.104-8 Criminal and Civil Penalties, and Allowable Administrative Remedies

IAW FAR 3.104-8 on Criminal and civil penalties, and administrative remedies, may apply to conduct that violates 41 U.S.C. chapter 21 (see 3.104-3). See 33.102(f) for special rules regarding bid protests. See 3.104-7 for administrative remedies relating to contracts.

      (a) An official who knowingly fails to comply with the requirements of 3.104-3 is subject to the penalties and administrative action set forth in 41 U.S.C. 2105.

      (b) An offeror who engages in employment discussion with an official subject to the restrictions of 3.104-3, knowing that the official has not complied with 3.104-3(c)(1), is subject to the criminal, civil, or administrative penalties set forth in 41 U.S.C. 2105.

      (c) An official who refuses to terminate employment discussions (see 3.104-5) may be subject to agency administrative actions under 5 CFR 2635.604(d) if the official’s disqualification from participation in a particular procurement interferes substantially with the individual’s ability to perform assigned duties.


Call Our 41 usc 423 Procurement Integrity Act Lawyers

Please contact the government contract defense lawyers at Watson & Associates, LLC regarding any legal matter related to the Federal Procurement Integrity Act PIA violations under 41 USC 423, ethics violations in government contracting ,strategic sourcing or  Anti kickback Act on a federal government contracts project. Our Procurement Integrity Act lawyers can be reached toll-free at 866-601-5518. Speak directly to procurement lawyer Theodore Watson.