Washington DC Federal Contractor Lawyers and HealthCare Fraud Attorneys Aggressively Fighting Back When the Government Makes an Unlawful Decision or Brings a False Claims Act Action

Washington DC federal contractor lawyers fighting back in all statesMany federal contractors seek help with a set of complicated rules and regulations that are attached to their current contracts. Whether you are litigating a bid protest, filing a Contract Disputes Act (CDA) claim with the contracting officer, or defending your company in a government investigation or criminal case under the False Claims Act, the deck is sometimes stacked against you.

Without government contractor lawyers who can aggressively fight back on the substantive issues of law, your company’s future and even yours can be in great jeopardy.  This is because traditional contract law attorneys may not be quite familiar with the unique procurement laws in question.

Oftentimes, the agency contracting officer makes a decision that on its face does not comport with procurement laws or displaces some level of unfairness. Sometimes, a company’s local counsel may not be well-versed in government contracting laws.  When the stakes are high, seeking legal counsel outside of the company could be the answer. This is where the Washington DC False Claims Act criminal defense at Watson & Associates, LLC can help.

Sometimes, you are deprived of an opportunity to get companies revenues but the Government Accountability Office (GAO) or the Small Business Administration (SBA) issues an unlawful decision. Again, the stakes are high, and you are stuck with knowing what the next steps should be. With law offices in Washington DC, and in Denver, Colorado, Watson’s government contractor lawyers can help you by filing an appeal to the SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals (SBA OHA), or by filing a new protest at the US Court of Federal Claims. The law firm litigates various types of bid protest cases before the various federal courts.

Government Contracting Solutions for Small Businesses and Large Defense Contractors

Companies doing business with the government often rely on local business attorneys or corporate legal counsel to resolve government contracting issues. Unfortunately, many contractors quickly find out that they are spending tens of thousands of dollars due to the confusing procurement laws. 

In other situations, small businesses or large defense contractors find themselves staring down the barrel of a government investigation or criminal indictment for government contractor fraud. These are not areas where local contractor lawyers who are not familiar with federal procurement laws should take a chance. The DOJ’s website proudly displays results where small businesses and large business alike are being convicted of federal criminal charges involving federal contracts.

At  Watson & Associates, LLC , our government contract fraud lawyers bring over three decades of procurement experience to the table. We litigate the underlying issues that the US Attorney, DOJ and OIG offices alleged to finally get to conspiracy charges and False Claims Act liability.

In many court rulings against contracting agencies, the agency tries to get a result by ‘coming through the back door’ with what the ‘front door ‘prohibits them from doing.  Watson & Associates federal contractor lawyers,and Washington DC False Claims Act criminal defense lawyers provide legal advice and procurement litigation support in the underlying areas of federal procurement laws. Contractor disputes typically arise under one of the main government contracting practice areas. Feel free to visit our practice areas for a more detailed view of how we can help you.

  • Government contractor terminations
  • Procurement and government contract fraud
  • Government contracting small business laws (size, subcontracting, and various programs)
  • Contract Disputes Act claims
  • Bid protests
  • Buy American Act
  • Trade Agreements Act
  • Small Business and SBA
  • Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) fraud charges
  • Litigation and appeals
  • Civil Investigative Demands
  • False Claims Act Defense

The Role of Federal Contractor Lawyers

Federal government contract law is very unique. In fact, there are various courts that specifically handle federal procurement matters.  At Watson & Associates, our role as federal contractor lawyers is to educate, consult, and guide our clients away from adversity while still increasing their bottom line.

We work with client management and executive staff to first understand the underlying goal of the company and to ultimately help them to reach those goals.We understand that sometimes expensive litigation is the last resort. Sometimes, the cost-benefit of litigation may not justify the means. However, when the is criminal liability involved and government investigation and law enforcement are clear about their intentions, our government contractor attorneys aggressively push back and defend our client’s rights.

Washington DC False Claims Act Criminal Defense Lawyers for Government Contractors

 (FCA)– Our practice area of defending False Claims Act allegations against federal government contractors is a growing segment of our firm’s portfolio. We have extensive in this field and are experts at shielding our clients from potential criminal liability stemming from violations of the FCA.

Our Government Contract Fraud attorneys and False Claims Act lawyers also specialize in defending government contractors to secure strategic dismissals or settlements with the government (DOJ, OIG) when appropriate.

In addition to providing counsel on FCA matters, we assist with so-called “qui tam” whistleblower actions that may be brought against federal contractors for false claims or fraud committed while performing services or supplying products to the federal government. 

Our government contractor fraud and False Claims Act criminal defense lawyers have extensive experience in the field of false claims allegations and understand the intricacies of the investigation process, so we can provide our clients with effective counsel on how best to handle their cases.   With decades of combined experience under our belt, Watson & Associates has established itself as one of DC’s leading providers of legal services for federal contractors.

 Our federal contractor lawyers represent companies throughout the United States and overseas at the various courts, including:

  • Small Business Administration (SBA)
  • Court of Federal Claims
  • Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals
  • Civilian Board of Contract Appeals
  • US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
  • Various District Courts Across the United States for Criminal Defense

Washington DC HealthCare Fraud False Claims Act Criminal Defense Lawyers 

Legal criminal defense for healthcare fraud companies in Washington DC: For many healthcare providers, manufacturers, and small and large businesses, participating in federal government benefit programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Tricare is essential to maintaining their financial success. When investigated for healthcare fraud in Washington DC, federal investigations can be intrusive, scary and complex. 

Your company can be subject to both civil and criminal penalties. The most common healthcare fraud charges involve alleged overbilling of healthcare services and billing of medical services not rendered. These charges may be brought against doctors, hospitals, home health care agencies, pharmacies and many other types of medical service providers. in Washington DC.

It’s time to find and hire an experienced federal Washington DC healthcare fraud criminal defense attorney at Watson & Associates, LLC.

Contact Watson’s Washington DC Government Contracting Lawyers Today

Taking the next step after the contracting agency issues an adverse decision can be tricky. If you are being investigated or charged with civil and or criminal violations, our Washington DC federal contracting and False Claims Act criminal defense can immediately provide legal advice and support.  We represent defense contractors in all states.  To learn more, call today for a free initial consultation. Call toll-free at 1.866.601.5518 or contact us online.