Washington DC Federal White Collar Crime Lawyers & Government Contractor Fraud Attorneys Aggressively Pushing Back To Protect Your Freedom

Federal criminal defense white collar crime lawyers for government contractors

Have you been punished for all of your hard work, bidding, and successful performance of federal contracts? Then, one day, you are investigated and charged with a white-collar crime.

What next? You know that you never intended to defraud the government. How do you convince the U.S. attorney’s office to drop the charges of terminate the investigation?

Federal prosecutors are frankly not interested in what you believe. It’s about what they can prove. If you are already a target and in their crosshairs, you definitely want to bring a federal white-collar criminal defense lawyer with experience with federal government contracts.

Best Federal White Collar Crime Lawyers and Top federal white collar criminal defense for Government Contractors:   As Federal Contractor Fraud  Defense Attorneys and Corporate White Collar Criminal Defense Lawyers, We Help You Avoid Some of the Most Costly Mistakes When Facing  White Collar Charges. 

When you have spent years building your career or business as a federal government contractor, manufacturer, reseller, health care provider, or even government employee,  getting a phone call that lists you as a potential target of a federal crime can be stressful and catastrophic repercussion. This can be a crippling event and you must act promptly. Chances are that the federal agents and prosecutors have been investigating your case or watching you for some time now.

Here’s What You Need to Know – How Can You Defend Allegations Against You?

As a general rule, you have common legal defenses against white collar crimes as a government contractor – explore the following:

Show Lack of Intent

Intent is a critical required element in many white collar crimes. The prosecution must be able to prove that 1) you engaged in an illegal act and 2) you had the intent to undertake the prohibited action knowingly. The case must be dismissed if the prosecution cannot show that the defendant had the requisite intent to commit the crime.

You Acted Under Duress

A federal white-collar crime defense of duress can be used if you were physically or verbally threatened into committing the alleged offense. For example, if you had a reasonable fear that a threat would be carried out against you, and they would not have committed the crime, otherwise, a viable defense may exist. to show you acted under duress.

Illegal Search – Fourth Amendment Violation

One of the most common white-collar criminal defenses is the claim that the government conducted an illegal search under the Fourth Amendment. Critically, the Fourth Amendment constitutionally prohibits the federal government from conducting unreasonable searches and seizures. If evidence against you was not obtained legally and your Constitutional rights were violated, it cannot be used in the criminal proceeding.  These all areas where our federal white collar crime lawyers can help you.

Get Aggressive Legal Defense Against Various Federal Agencies

When the Department of Justice  (DOJ),  Small Business Administration (SBA) or Inspector General’s Office  (OIG), or Securities and Exchange Commission  (SEC) contacts you as being investigated for a white collar criminal offense, you can be exposed to significant jail time or substantial fines. Despite not thinking you have done something wrong, responding without legal counsel can be a dangerous and costly mistake. 

Federal White Collar Criminal Defense Law Firm With Nationwide Reach

We Only Represent Government Contractors or Corporate Cases Involving Federal Crimes: With law offices in Washington DC and Colorado, the DC white collar federal white collar crime lawyers at Watson & Associates, LLC protect your legal and constitutional rights and also look to save your reputation and the reputation of your company. We only represent government contractors or corporations involved in criminal cases. 

Why Are Federal Government Contractors Indicted and Convicted More Often Than Not?

  • Not all criminal defense attorneys have federal contracting experience
  • The underlying action against you is generally specific procurement regulations where the traditional defense lawyer has no experience
  • For a grand jury indictment, the prosecutor must not prove the entire case. Instead, he only has to show that there is enough evidence to move to a trial.
  • When you let the prosecution’s case get too far down the road, it is hard to dial back and defendants are in a more difficult bargaining position.

The main reason is that most contractors retain white collar crime lawyers to defend them where the underlying action involves government contract laws. Since federal contracting law is a unique niche, federal prosecutors like it when defense attorneys have no hands-on experience with issues about federal procurement. This upper hand is one of the main reasons why contractor defendants experience more indictments and convictions at trial.

No familiarity with underlying procurement laws can mean exposure to criminal convictions that involve up to 30 years in prison, as well as civil fines and seizure of assets.


Federal Government Contractor Lawyers and Attorneys for White Collar Crime Lawyers with Nationwide Reach

The law offices of Watson & Associates, LLC offer federal white collar crime defense attorneys with a high level of experience handling various government contract fraud cases throughout the United States and overseas that involve white collar offenses

As federal lawyers, our federal white collar criminal defense lawyers offer more than 40 years of combined experience working in the federal space.

We understand the ins and outs of the underlying federal crimes that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and other federal law enforcement agencies charge contractors and government employees with.

When white collar offenses and criminal cases involve government contract investigations, grand jury subpoenas, and criminal prosecutions for white-collar offenses that somehow involve U.S. government contracts, we form a team of defense federal attorneys that aggressively fight back.

As Federal contractor white collar crime lawyers, we find that many local criminal defense attorneys lack the experience and detail required to aggressively defend federal contractors against the charges brought against them by federal prosecutors.

Why Are Small Businesses and Large DOD Defense Contractors Coming to Watson & Associates, LLC White Collar Crime Defense Attorneys for Help?

  1. Thinking out of the box and developing a legal defense early.
  2. Some firms have no experience with government contracting rules
  3. Some of our attorneys have worked for government contracting agencies. 
  4. We don’t profess to know it all but we build a team that does. 
  5. When you hire us, we aim to resolve the matter quickly. 

Why Are So Many Government Contractors and Corporate CEOs Indicted or Convicted of White Collar Offenses and Crimes Involving Government Contracts?

What our white collar crime lawyers realize is that the corporate CEOs and companies find themselves being charged, indicted, and ultimately convicted in procurement fraud cases because the local defense attorneys are not intimately familiar with the various underlying laws that the government attorneys allege that they have violated. We represent government contractor fraud clients in civil or criminal cases for:

  • Buy American Act (BAA compliance) Fraud
  • Trade Agreements Act (TAA compliance) Fraud
  • SDVOSB Fraud
  • SBA small business fraud ( 8(a) BD Program, HUBZone, SDVOSB Programs
  • Limitations of contracting ( pass-through) allegations
  • False Claims Act defense
  • Mail and Wire fraud defense for government contractors
  • Conspiracy charges against federal contractors
  • Procurement Integrity Act
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
  • Civil and Criminal Investigations
  • Internal Investigations
  • Corporate Fraud
  • Insider Trading

There are many reasons why federal prosecutors go after federal contractors for white collar crimes. Examples of the violations include Buy American Act (BAA) compliance cases; False Claims Act resulting from allegations of fraud in the Service Disabled Veteran-owned Small Business Program (SDVOSB), and HUBZone Programs and SBA 8(a) BD programs. This level of expertise is unique in nature. Without experienced federal white collar crime lawyers who understand government contracting laws, clients are helplessly forced to enter into plea agreements or proffer agreements. 


Federal White Collar Criminal Defense Contractor Lawyers for Small Businesses Doing Business With the U.S. Government

The DOJ’s website has no shortage of small business government contractors that are charged and convicted of white collar government contractor fraud cases. Many of the defendants are forced to settle conspiracy charges simply because their defense counsel falls short of the experience needed to not only fight the elements of a conspiracy but also to have a serious look at the underlying offense.

This is especially true when there are allegations of SBA fraud, HUBZOne fraud and SDVOSB fraud. At Watson & Associates, LLC our clients hire our federal white collar crime lawyers to fight for their lives and push back against cases that have no legal merit. That’s what we do.

White Collar Criminal Defense Lawyers – False Claims Act Defense

As white collar federal criminal lawyers, we represent defendants or targeted during an investigation. We handle cases including Healthcare Fraud, Mail and Wire Fraud, Criminal Conspiracy, Securities Fraud, Major Fraud Against the United States, Procurement Fraud and more.

Watson & Associates, LLC Federal Contractor Fraud and DC White Collar Crime Defense Attorneys

Government Contractor Federal White Collar Defense Attorneys – We Aggressively Defend Government Contractors Nationwide

Wise D. Allen, Esquire      Scott Lovelock, Esquire,    Theodore P. Watson, Esquire,    Walter H. Foster

Confidential Free Consultation White Collar Crime Attorneys

Find federal white collar criminal lawyers at Watson & Associates, LLC for  immediate representation.  Call us today for a free confidential initial consultation. Call and speak to Theodore Watson toll-free at 1-866-601-5518 or contact us online. When speaking with attorneys for criminal defense of government contractors and Washington DC federal white collar crime lawyers at Watson & Associates, LLC we roll our sleeves up and get to work.