federal Maryland False Claims Act attorneyFederal Maryland False Claims Attorneys and Federal Investigation Defense Lawyers. Help For Federal Government Contractors, HealthCare Corporations, Maryland Businesses and Professionals, and Individuals Throughout MD and  Help Them to Avoid Civil Fines and Criminal Liability and Minimize Costly Legal Mistakes.   

Our Federal False Claims Act lawyers Serve Baltimore, Annapolis, Columbia, Silver Spring, Frederick, Rockville, Gaithersburg, Bethesda and Surrounding Metro Areas. 


 (call a Maryland False Claims Act attorney at our toll-free number 1(866-601-5518) for immediate help.


Watson & Associates, LLC offers top federal civil and criminal defense lawyers who understand the underlying issues in a federal Maryland False Claims Act case. We specifically help federal government contractors, health care industry clients, manufacturers, small businesses and corporate entities facing serious risk of criminal conviction and heft civil fines. 

The law firm helps from the initial investigative stage through indictment and trial. If you are reading this page, you are probably at a critical stage in your life where you are either under federal investigation, indicted or need aggressive trial defense attorneys. In either situation, you don’t have time to waste.

You have constitutional rights and legal defenses to fight back. The earlier you act, the better your chances. Federal prosecutors tend not to try to resolve matters the closer they get to trial.

If you are a federal contractor or involved in a health care fraud or federal contract fraud or false claims act case, be sure to contact us immediately

Federal False Claims Act – Key Things to Know

The Federal Maryland False Claims Act (FCA) applies to individuals, businesses, and federal government contractors who directly or indirectly are involved with a federal government contract, grant, healthcare program, PPP Loan, or other method of receiving payment or benefit from the government. 

Federal prosecutors have to show that you knowingly submit or cause the submission of a false claim for payment or approval by the federal government. For government contractors, it could mean submitting an invoice for payment, submitting a bid, or even certifying information to be admitted into SBA small business programs. The False Act Act also applies to healthcare professionals and applicants for the SBA PPP loan.

Federal prosecutors will present a case suggesting that, regardless of your legal defense, you should have known about the False Claim. Under the FCA, actual knowledge is not required.


Legal Defense for Federal Government Contractors in Maryland

Small businesses and large defense contractors alike face extreme scrutiny when they provide construction or services to the federal government. When you receive a False Claims Act civil investigative demand from the DOJ or OIG, or some other law enforcement agency, our Maryland False Claims Act attorney at our firm can help. We represent various types of procurement clients, including:

  • SBA 8(a) small. Businesses
  • Service Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses (SDVOSB)
  • SBA HUBZone Small businesses
  • Prime Contractors
  • Subcontractors
  • Corporate CEOs
  • Manufacturers
  • Health Care Agencies
  • Buy American Act (BAA compliance) fraud
  • Trade Agreements Act False Claims defense
  • Bid rigging
  • Whistleblower / Qui Tam defense
  • False medical invoices and treatment

Types of Government Contract Fraud Maryland False Claims Act Cases

If you are facing criminal charges or being investigated for government contract fraud, Watson’s Maryland federal criminal defense lawyers can help with:

  • Bid rigging: When companies conspire to ensure a predetermined winner receives the contract
  • False statements: When companies submit proposals with false or misleading information
  • Defective products or services: When companies provide goods or services that do not meet the contract specifications
  • Progress payment fraud: When a contractor fraudulently certifies that they have incurred costs that are eligible for reimbursement
  • Fraud involving nonconforming materials: When contractors falsify documentation that all materials meet the contract specifications
  • Cost mischarging: When a company inflates its costs charged to the government
  • Cross-charging: When a company performs work on one contract and charges the costs of this work to another contract
  • Bribes or kickbacks: When a company obtains a contract through bribery or kickbacks
  • Misrepresenting cybersecurity safety protocols: When a company misrepresents cybersecurity safety protocols in place, or conceals data breaches
  • Trade Agreements Act non-compliance. When companies fail to follow TAA compliance requirements when selling products to the government.
  • Buy American Act non-compliance. When companies fail to follow BBA compliance requirements when selling products  and materials to the government
  • Violating SBA Programs such as 8(a) BD Program, HUBZone, and SDVOSB requirements
  • Falsifying information on contract proposals.
  • Using Federal funds to purchase items that are not for Government use.
  • Billing more than one contract for the same work.
  • Billing for expenses not incurred as part of the contract.
  • Billing for work that was never performed.

Types of Federal Maryland HealthCare Fraud Defense Cases

  • Misrepresentation of the type or level of service provided;
  • Misrepresentation of the individual rendering service;
  • Billing for items and services that have not been rendered;
  • Billing for services that have not been properly documented;
  • Billing for items and services that are not medically necessary;
  • Seeking payment or reimbursement for services rendered for procedures that are integral to other procedures performed on the same date of service (unbundling);
  • Seeking increased payment or reimbursement for services that would be correctly billed at a lower rate (up-coding).

Abuse is defined as practices that are inconsistent with accepted sound fiscal, business, or medical practices and result in unnecessary costs or reimbursements for services that are not medically necessary or that fail to meet professionally recognized standards for health care.

    • Misusing codes on a claim;
    • Charging excessively for services or supplies; and
    • Billing for services that were not medically necessary.

What is Buy American Act False Claims Fraud?

A federal government contractor in Maryland can defraud the Government by knowingly providing goods that were procured in violation of the Buy American Act and the U.S. Trade Agreements Act, if the Government would not have purchased the goods from that contractor if it had known of the violations. Whistleblowers can help fight Buy American Act fraud by filing a qui tam lawsuit under the False Claims Act. Watson & Associates offers experienced lawyers who understand procurement laws and how the BAA applies to FCA cases. See 41 U.S.C.A. §10a-d. and FAR Part 25.

U.S. Trade Agreements Act Procurement Fraud Help

Government suppliers entering into Multiple Award Schedule GSA contracts to sell products to federal government purchasers under the Federal Supply Schedule must agree to comply with the U.S. Trade Agreements Act of 1979, 19 U.S.C. § 2501, et. seq. Under the terms of TAA compliance requirements, manufacturers, prime contractors, subcontractors, or vendors who sell foreign-made products to the United States Government are required to only sell such products that are made or “substantially transformed” in countries with reciprocal trade agreements with the United States. When those rules are violated, OIG or DOJ may initiate an FCA case against you. This is where our Maryland. Trade Agreements Act False Claims Act attorney can help.

What are Civil and Criminal Penalties Under the False Claims Act?

If you are a government contractor, healthcare professional, or corporation in Maryland or an individual investigated for violating the False Claims Act, you can be subject to both civil and criminal penalties. Sometimes, you may receive a civil investigative demand (CID) from the Office of Inspector General (OIG), or the Department of Justice (DOJ) alleging violations of the False Claims Act. If you are under investigation and you need reliable legal representation, call the Maryland False Claims Act lawyers at Watson & Associates, LLC.

You are exposed to the following civil penalties:

  • Treble damages (damages that are three times more than the amount that the claim is worth)
  • A fine of up to $11,000 per false claim
  • State disciplinary proceedings
  • Loss of your professional license (health care, construction, or other
  • Suspension and debarment
  • You could be ordered to pay attorneys’ fees for the federal government

You can also be exposed to criminal False Claims Act penalties which could be: 

  • Criminal indictment
  • Prison time
  • A fine of $250,000 per claim for individuals for federal felony convictions
  • A fine of $500,000 per claim for businesses for federal felony convictions
  • A fine of $100,000 per claim for individuals for a misdemeanor conviction
  • A fine of $200,000 per claim for businesses for a misdemeanor conviction

Federal Whistleblower Qui Tam Defense Lawyers in Maryland

Federal Maryland False Claims Act investigations or lawsuits can be initiated by a filing by a whistleblower or Qui Relator. A relator could be a former or current employee, another contractor, or some other interested party.

These cases are filed under seal and not released to the public. At Watson & Associates, LLC, our Maryland False Claims Act Qui Tam defense lawyers help government contractors, defendants in the healthcare industry, CEOs, and individuals charged or investigated under the False Claims Act.

Help With False Claims Act Civil Investigative Demands or Subpoenas

Federal law enforcement agencies, such as OIG, DEA, DOJ, DHHS, or IRS, may issue subpoenas or civil investigative demands for your financial, billing, corporate, communication, and other records. Whether you receive a civil investigative demand or a criminal subpoena, our DID lawyers can help.

We Aggressively Defend You in Federal Maryland False Claims Act Investigations

The Maryland False Claims Act investigation attorneys at Watson & Associates, LLC will initially contact the government to immediately develop the best possible legal defense for FCA investigations in Maryland and throughout the United States. Whether you are investigated for procurement fraud, healthcare fraud, or some other basis for the investigation, we can help.

Nationwide FCA Investigative Attorneys and Maryland Qui Tam Whistleblower Defense Lawyers

At Watson & Associates, We Offer Top Federal False Claims Act Defense Attorneys Who Have Experience in Government Contracting

Understanding the False Claims statute is just the beginning. Given the risks of jail time in a criminal case or hefty fines in a civil false claims case, we understand the flaws that can be buried in a government investigation brought by the OIG or DOJ. As government investigation attorneys , will handle civil investigative demands and assist in responding to CID requests.

Why Choose Watson & Associates, LLC As Your Maryland Claims Act Attorney?

At Watson. & Associates, LLC, our law firm, has found that local federal criminal defense attorneys may not always be savvy or experienced in the various underlying allegations that trigger Maryland False Claims Act cases. When you are contacted or even have a hunch that you are being targeted, call a False Claims Act attorney at Watson & Associates, LLC today.

This is especially true when the false claims allegation is triggered from the Buy American Act (BAA Compliance); Trade Agreements Act (TAA Compliance) or most of all violation of one the SBA small business programs (SBA 8(a)BD; SDVOSB Fraud; HUBZone Programs). 

You will quickly find out that unless legal counsel has some experience in these areas, the government lawyers usually will prevail in a Maryland False Claims Act fraud case.

When the federal government prosecutor and investigators come knocking on your door with False Claims Act civil investigative demand (CID) requests, subpoenas, or indictments, the stakes are high; our Maryland FCA attorneys can immediately step in and build an aggressive defense team. We represent clients that include: 

  • Fortune 500 companies
  • Federal government contractors (large and small businesses)
  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Medical device manufacturers
  • Government construction companies
  • Defense contractors for services
  • Medical 
  • Biotechnology firms
  • Hospitals

What are Examples of Violations Under the Federal Maryland False Claims Act?

Although each case is fact-specific, some of the common violations under the False Claims Act include:

  • Charging the government for work or products not provided;
  • False certification and fraudulently acquiring a government contract;
  • Submitting a false government loan application;
  • Submitting a fraudulent application for a government grant;
  • Demanding payment for goods or services that do not conform to contractual or regulatory requirements;
  • Submitting false invoices for goods or services that are defective or of lesser quality than the. government contracted for;
  • Submitting a claim that falsely certifies that the defendant has complied with a law, FAR or contract term, or Health Care regulation;
  • Attempting to pay the government less than is owed.
  • Representing that you are a small business when you are deemed other than small
  • False certification for HUBZone, SDVOSB and SBA 8(a) BD Program contracts


As criminal and civil Maryland False Claims Act attorneys and qui tam defense lawyers, we’re veterans of the government contracting marketplace. Our criminal and civil Federal Whistleblower Defense Lawyers understand government contract law (federal) and the issues that can lead to investigations, criminal indictments, and a jury conviction at trial.

Statewide Legal Representation

We also provide legal defense in TX Qui Tam and suspension and debarment cases. We understand the unique ethical complexities and regulations that government contractors face.  Hire a Maryland False Claims Act attorney who can serve Baltimore, Annapolis, Columbia, Silver Spring, Frederick, Rockville, Gaithersburg, Bethesda and Surrounding Metro Areas. 

Contact Watson & Associates False Claims Act Defense Lawyer in Maryland Today for a Free Consultation

If you are facing 31 USC 3729 federal False Claims Act investigations in Maryland or have concerns about potential FCA whistleblower liability or are looking for healthcare False Claims Act lawyers, do not hesitate to call our experienced federal defense attorneys. We are prepared to provide you with the guidance and support you need to navigate the complexities of FCA litigation and protect your business interests.

Call Watson’s Maryland False Claims Act Attorneys at 1.866.601.5518 for a Free Initial Consultation. Speak to Theodore Watson, Lead FCA Whistleblower defense lawyer.