Cheryl E Adams Government Contracts Attorney Denver CO
Cheryl E. Adams is a Maryland licensed Associate Attorney with Watson and Associates, LLC. She is a former federal Contracting Officer with years of hands-on experience with all phases of federal procurement. She brings to clients an intimate understanding of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and an insider perspective on the procurement processes of a federal government headquarters.
She understands the government’s relationships with small businesses and subcontractors, as well as relationships with Fortune 500 corporations. She has worked side by side with government auditors, and personally conducted government property audits. She has handled all sizes of contract award from micropurchases through major systems.
She has cradle-to-grave hands-on operational experience with how all phases and all types of government contracting processes from acquisition planning through contract closeout. Her practice areas include:
Bid Protests Post-Award protests
Federal Appeals Court of Federal Claims Litigation
Contract Terminations Suspension and Debarment
SBA Small Business Size Protests False Claims Act
Procurement Claims and Appeals Contract Investigations
Contract Disputes Act Competition in Contracting Act (CICA) Challenges
Procurement Integrity Act Sole Source Justification Challenges
Procurement Policy Cure and Show Cause Notices
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) SBA Mentor Protégé Program
Novations Procurement / Government Contract Fraud
Contract Management Compliance Contract Pricing / Cost Reimbursement
Prime or Subcontracting Issues Buy American Act
Unsolicited Proposals Copyright / Trademark
Government Property Brand Name or Equal
Research and Development
Ms. Adams understands how small problems can become big ones if they are not addressed in the right way. She knows how invoicing, government property tracking, labor rate compliance, and other seemingly ordinary processes are comprised of small details that can lead to surprisingly big legal problems. She strives to provide winning legal solutions that satisfy clients’ needs at the lowest possible level.
Maryland State Bar Association
National Contract Management Association
Mount Holyoke College, B.A.
George Mason University School of Law, Juris Doctorate (law and economics)
Contact Ms. Adams online or call her at 720.941-7200.